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The company
Unloading reservation
Large Storage Room
Ecological Plants
Short processing Time
Delna’s Entrance
Coil stockage
Coil stockage
Disposal facilities
Delna's story and its services
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01The company
Delna was founded in 1971 from an industrial project realized by a group of entrepreneurs. The aim was to bring to the market a service of stockpiling and coil pickling that would accommodate the new dimensions of steel mill products and the principles of eco-sustainability of the plants at the same time.
The far-sightedness of the founders has, over time, translated into an entrepreneurial success that in 50 years of continuous development has achieved ambitious goals: exceeding one million tonnes per year and over 18 million tonnes processed in the period.
The material is delivered and collected by customers' own vehicles. In order to avoid long waits and crowds of vehicles in the forecourt in front of the entrance, each haulier books the day and time in our online calendar.
At the entrance, an electronic display board shows the number plate of the vehicle authorised to access the site, thus enabling the equal distribution of loads and unloads throughout the day.
180,000 square metres for the storage of coils and 15,000 square metres for the storage of wire rods allow Delna to be an "external warehouse" for its customers: this allows greater freedom of purchase independent of the possibilities of storage in internal warehouses and a greater assortment.
Customers can expand their assortment of both black and pickled and ask Delna to deliver batches every day, even in small quantities.
Unloading Reservation
Ecological plants
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04Ecological Plants
Delna has facilities for the roasting furnace separation of spent hydrochloric acid from iron solution. The technological cycle returns a solution of regenerated hydrochloric acid with a yield of 98% to the pickling plant, while the powdered iron oxide obtained from the process is used by other companies for the production of ferrites and permanent magnets.
The water used for washing is treated with lime and flocculant to separate the inert sludge, which is thickened by the filter press and then disposed of. In this way the water is completely purified before being discharged into surface water courses.
The crystallisation plant recovers the regenerated sulphuric acid from the recycling of spent baths and prepares it for reuse in the pickling process. At the same time, it produces ferrous sulphate heptahydrate crystals that can be reused both in agriculture and for water purification.
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large storage room
short processing time
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05Short Processing Time
The transformation of the material is carried out with a maximum of a three-day lead time from receipt of the customer's order.
The scheduling of pickling and/or cutting is agreed with the customer on the basis of his daily needs. Thanks to Delna's great flexibility, programming is actually done by the customer himself, simply by making a pickling or cutting request.
Steel strength > 600 N/mm² and < 900 N/mm² from 1.4 mm to 5 mm
max weight of inlet coil:
35 tons
Diameter of inlet coil:
Inter from 600 mm to 850 mm Outer max 2100 mm
Diameter of outlet coils:
Intern 610 mm Outer max 2100 mm
Yearly Capacity:
400.000 tons
Hcl Bath
From 600 mm to 1600 mm
Steel strength ≤ 600 N/mm² from 1.5 mm to 15 mm
Steel strength > 600 N/mm² and < 900 N/mm² from 1.5 mm to 10 mm
max weight of inlet coil:
35 tons
Diameter of inlet coil:
Intern from 600 mm to 850 mm Outer max 2100 mm
Diameter of outlet coils:
Intern 610 mm Outer max 2100 mm
Yearly Capacity:
450.000 tons
H2SO4l bath
Wire diameter:
From 3 mm to 45 mm
Max wire weight:
3000 kg
Max wire length:
3000 mm
Treatment A:
Pickling, lime treatment
Treatment B:
Pickling, phosphitylation lime treatment or polymerization
Yearly Capacity:
80.000 tons
Coil Pickling 1500
Hcl Bath
From 900 mm to 1500 mm
Steel strength ≤ 600 N/mm² from 1.4 mm to 7 mm
Steel strength > 600 N/mm² e < 900 N/mm² from 1.4 mm to 5 mm
max weight of inlet coil:
35 tons
Diameter of inlet coil:
Inter from 600 mm to 850 mm Outer max 2100 mm
Diameter of outlet coils:
Intern 610 mm Outer max 2100 mm
Yearly Capacity
400.000 tons
Coil Pickling 1600
Hcl Bath
From 600 mm to 1600 mm
Steel strength ≤ 600 N/mm² from 1.5 mm to 15 mm
Steel strength > 600 N/mm² and < 900 N/mm² from 1.5 mm to 10 mm
max weight of inlet coil:
35 tons
Diameter of inlet coil:
Intern from 600 mm to 850 mm Outer max 2100 mm
Diameter of outlet coils:
Intern 610 mm Outer max 2100 mm
Yearly Capacity:
450.000 tons
wire rod pickling
H2SO4l bath
Wire diameter:
From 3 mm to 45 mm
Max wire weight:
3000 kg
Max wire length:
3000 mm
Treatment a:
Pickling, lime treatment
Treatment B:
Pickling, phosphitylation lime treatment or polymerization
Yearly Capacity:
80.000 tons
Slitting lines
Max width of inlet coils:
1500 mm
From 1.3 mm to 6 mm
Cutting strips number:
Based on steel thickness and strength
Max coil weight
35 tons
Diameter of coil intel:
Inner from 600 to 850 mm Outer max 2100 mm
Diameter of outlet coils:
Intern 500 mm Outer max 2100 mm
Yearly Capacity:
150.000 tons
Max width of inlet coils:
1800 mm
From 1.5 mm to 15 mm
Numero tagli:
Based on steel thickness and strength
Max coil weight:
35 tons
Diameter of coil intel:
Inner from 600 to 800 mm Outer max 2100 mm
Diameter of outlet coils:
Inner 500 mm until a thickness 13 mm Inner mm 610 for thickness > 13 mm Outer max 2100 mm
Yearly Capacity:
180.000 tons
Slitting line 1500
Max width of inlet coils:
1500 mm
From 1.3 mm to 6 mm
Cutting strips number:
Based on steel thickness and strength
Max coil weight:
35 tons
Diameter of coil intel:
Inner from 600 mm to 850 mm Outer max 2100 mm
Diameter of outlet coils:
Intern 500 mm Outer max 2100 mm
Yearly Capacity:
150.000 tons
Slitting line 1800
Max width of inlet coils:
1800 mm
From 1.5 mm to 15 mm
Cutting strips number:
Based on steel thickness and strength
Max coil weight:
35 tons
Diameter of coil intel:
Inner from 600 mm to 800 mm Outer max 2100 mm
Diameter of outlet coils:
Inner 500 mm until a thickness 13 mm Inner 610 mm for thickness > 13 mm Outer max 2100 mm
Yearly Capacity:
180.000 tons
Complete offer
Receipt of the materials
Product Stockage
Pickling, shearing, and packaging
Personalised Services
When the material is received:
Inbound coil identification and status check with immediate feedback to the customer in case of problems
External inspection of quality aspect
Physical measurement of coil width
Association of a unique progressive number to the incoming coil registered
Product Stockage
The material is constantly tracked, each coil is assigned a progressive number and a barcode so that there is a unique binary correspondence with the 'primary coil'.
Pickling, shearing, and packaging:
Constant quality control during processing with reports and pictures.
Our thickness and width measuring instruments provide the end user with an in-depth and pragmatic knowledge of the physical characteristics of the coil, enabling it to be used in a targeted manner.
Personalised service on costumer’s request:
Sampling for chemical and mechanical analysis.
Specific quality reports for customers wishing to qualify new suppliers.
On request, daily delivery of product in the desired quantity.
Extra services included in the rates
Inbound coil identification and status check with immediate feedback to the customer in case of problems
Quality report in case of process defects
Automatic in-line detection of thickness and width of the coil during the working phases with relative graphs available
Black coil stockage180.000 t Rod wire stockage15.000 t
Continuous traceability
Max three-days lead time transformation from the order receipt
The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
25 November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, established in 1999 in memory of all victims.
This day aims to raise awareness of the many forms of violence that women suffer every day: feminicide, psychological, economic, sexual, linguistic violence, wage inequality.
Delna strongly believes in gender equality in the workplace, promoting concrete actions to reduce the gap between men and women and constantly raising awareness among its employees and collaborators of the importance of this issue.
IL TITOLARE DEL TRATTAMENTO DEI DATI Delna SpA Via per Airuno, 20 23883 Brivio (LC) - Italy | R.E.A. 131164 C.F./P.IVA: 00341940138 - Capitale sociale € 2.000.000 Sito internet o servizio web accessibile all'indirizzo:
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